Wednesday 11 April 2007


The second that I saw the results, I came here to write this post. Its the least Evin deserves for the effort he put into this game. This kills me to say it, but I didnt beat him because I scored higher (well, obviously I did) I honestly believe he was out by miles.

This quiz was especially difficult because I believe he was on the wrong track and it killed me to know that I didnt beat him by doing better on the quiz and it being a true battle of minds and so on (thats the only way I believed Evin deserved to go, is if we really played to see who should go through). Evin just went onto the wrong track, and so yeah, I wasnt pleased that he was on the wrong track, but, it meant a pass to the final three, so in the grand scheme of is ok.

Evin, your spirit will be missed, your team-contributions will be missed, I mean we used to talk quite a bit some times, and I didnt tire of them, sometimes in ORGs its a strain to talk, but I didnt find that at all. I dont have facebook or whatever, but Im seriously considering getting one or signing up or whatever you have to do lol.

Goodluck in all you do, you will seriously be missed by everyone of the final three.

Sunday 8 April 2007

Official Confessionals # 7

Here we are guys, the final four. Most consider this round the upmost importance, the last round where information you gather is reliable lol. Let me say this first, no matter which one of us goes, I am truely grateful and proud to have played with all of you and the three of us that make it, deserve it too.

So, the first challenge, the stock exchange. Now, finally a challenge that I can do, I put money on the stock markets, weve had to do it before in school, so I knew what I was doing, and I made a 1% profit in 5 days, which doesnt sound good, but it really is. (In real terms anyways) but I know a few other people lost us some money, and to be honest, I think we balanced each other out, either gaining or losing a few cents, so a morale victory I guess...

Ah, minesweeper. Well done Fred and Pad, Fred, I can see youve playe quite a lot, and had I been on later that day, I guess I could have helped, but we both would have done the same thing, so all in all, a job well done :D. Pad, I know you helped even though you're not saying much about it, so thank you too. :)

Then...the one with him in it. You know who I mean, that silly Ryan....and the guard too (:P). Not much I can say about that other then to come clean, I did plan on assessing the situation and doing one of two things, if I could, get all the keys for myself (would explain the early stalling) but if not, I would want to be the first line of defense to try and help those with keys get to the end....(I dont honestly think I would have helped though, my luck is appaling :P) so yeah, two very opposing strategies, in the end, though, I just charged at the guard...for no given reason other then I just found him irritating :P We lost due to luck, no matter what anyone else says.

So that about rounds it up, we made $3.50, which in therory we could have made an endless amount of money on (how?? :P) was still good, better then a lot of the previous rounds! So, woot team if anything :)