Sunday 18 March 2007

Round #6 Confessional

This round was interesting, yes you could look at it from a money pot scenario, yes we did lose money and thats certainly not good, was interesting in the intergroup...(how do I put it)...politics. You could clearly see that people couldnt care less about coalitions they had before, how quickly they were to stab the person next to them, and although that should be saddening, it clearly shouts out for everyone to on.

So the idol challenge, certainly inventive. I am not quite sure what happened there, it seems that people did things out of order and files types couldnt match (which I dont know why, there are loads of programmes that could sort that out) anyways, a comedy of errors you could put it as. Even the final decision to just send it in as it were lost us money, you can blame everyone (yes including me, means everyone). Even the post explaining what happened was confusing, but at least we didnt lose money....(but we didnt really earn much either)

So the funhouse challenge...I would have loved to of been there, if for no other reason then to tell everyone not to open those damn boxes! That happened last time to me and I failed lol. You cant however say to someone dont be greedy. Weve already established game on...but...meh it doesnt matter people will still go for things anyways, Im wasting my time :P

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