Tuesday 27 February 2007

Keith Is Gone

So...wow...Ive survived...hmm...lets click on someone elses face...err....Evin...safe, Aaron...safe, Keith...safe...executed? What?

Sorry, but thats wrong, it has to be...not in the sense I think he was the mole, but, we just lost one of our best team members...its a big blow for our team, its irony in a way, we lose two people that dont do anything for the game and then we lose Keith.
Keith, we talked very little, but I liked you, I really did. I knew how beneficial to the team you were and you were willing to talk to me (even if you should have been working :P) I am very thankful for that and the help you have given us already...

Wish you all the luck (and Im still shocked and saddened)....

Sunday 25 February 2007

Official Confessional #3

So, a minus 1. So, a challenge with the opportunity of either a +1 or a exemption. Interesting. Certainly. I miss it....and I am annoyed, but not as much as I am after hearing I missed out on some 'action'.

I'm worried because I am missing mole activity of one third of the challenges....certainly not the best in the world. I dont get a chance of playing the mind games as much (come on admit it, we all do it :P) I really cannot comment on the challenge as such other then well done guys on getting the money, finally, we look to be on a roll :)

Secondly, the mini mole thing. A little dispute I guess we shall say. Yes I feel like we need a leader and Im practically calling out 'where oh where is Padraig, we need you!' lol. Although, it wasnt really a leader needing thing, it would have been nice to get some direction.

The third challenge with the pictures. I found was interesting...but, Im not sure what to make of it yet. Ryan, lost us money, but gained us the most, but got the exemption...who knows. I dont. However, we got 60 cents. I dont see these games as win lose. I see them as, we just got money be happy people :)

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Brentin Is Gone

Like I said, a friend of mine. I am very glad that he was given a chance to play this game, but, in honesty, I dont think he should have taken up that chance. We lost a player that wasnt there, and we as a team more then anything did suffer. I am glad people are starting to see the explantaions behind Brentins absense, but does that mean much...not really...bottom line, he wasnt here.

Anyways, I seem to have caught 'the cold'. That nasty little -1....thats a big thing. In the early rounds of the game, no-one is quite sure about the mole, so this is something not to be taken lightly. The last two who have had it, sorry to say this, but got it easy. They did, they werent going anywhere....I have to fight to stay this time :P The good news is should I survive....I cant get it again. :D

Monday 19 February 2007

Round 2 Confessional - The Added Extras

I think I have covered most of the round already, I just want to say a few things. One, Brentin is gone this round. He is not however inactive on purpose. He went away on holiday, and was planning on being fully active. Whatever your comments are about him, keep in mind what I said, he is a friend of mine, and I dont want bad mouthing of him just because you havent met him.

However, saying this...Brentin will be executed, there is nothing he can do. As long as we all submit our quizzes, he is gone. I do feel bad for him due to that, but at the same time, the game is very early, it gives us all a chance to really see who is doing what and who isnt doing what :P

And so, this sounds mean, but I am confident I will survive, we all are. This is a public confessional, lets be open. We all know that this game will get really interesting as we will all start talking to each other more and start 'playing' this game. It will be fun, Im not going to lie, I like playing the mind games. Corbin rocks...even if he did lose twice :P

Friday 16 February 2007

Round 2 Challenges

What can I say? Ive had a social week I guess. I guess people will think Im inactive now, but not if they read this :D. I am here I guess to talk about the challenges. The first one, I mean come on? My timezones? This may as well have been a live one, at least then I wouldnt have to make a pretense to be there...regardless, Im glad the rest of the team is doing well....they deserve it, theyve put in more effort. However, with the maths ones and the puzzles, this is were I think I strive best at...I like these things, if it wasnt for (and Im sorry to say this openly) these big egos, I think I would have attempted to try and lead people for this task, but, alas, too late I guess. (Plus, theres an even bigger maths nerd then me here :o :( it seems the one thing Im good at, theres someone better :P)
People dont talk to me, I know communication is a two way street. They wont if the way I act carries on. So, Im going to make an extra effort to talk, communicate and participate in the next few challenges...just to show 'hey Im here, let me be included in things' (yes....Im sad :P)

Tuesday 13 February 2007

Heidi Is Gone

Well...this seems weird, someone people think is inactive is gone...and yet I too am considered inactive. Hmmm. Anyways.

Heidi, Im sorry, but I had to fill out a massive questionaire and do two games which I think I did really bad at. I had to try really quite hard to get into this game, and I just dont think its right. I know I cant make live challenges, and yes, I was on holiday....but Im keen to play, and that I think weighs a heck of a lot more then just turning up for a few minutes.
You were known as the inactive, and you were known as the person that we could rely on to make sure we got to the final nine. Im sorry that I am being so harsh, but this is a hugely imaginative and planned out game, and Im not even the host and Im kinda mad.

Monday 12 February 2007

The Start

Well....I got back from holiday to a right old mess :P But then again, some of it was my fault. I did, in my opinion, do my best to try and get something done. Looks like I didnt do that well. Am I the mole? I could say yes or no and you wouldnt believe me :P So yeah, the first challenges, I dont blame the people that did take part at all, at least they were there and they tried. Yes I know I didnt come, but I was on holiday, not much I could do, regardless of if Im the mole or not.

This post, I guess it say, Im active....I am in this game, and it seems stupid now, but Im going to get this blog in order. A note for the mini-moles, you may have played these games before, but I know how to play just as well, and Im just as active, so how about reserving judgement till you know me?