Tuesday 27 February 2007

Keith Is Gone

So...wow...Ive survived...hmm...lets click on someone elses face...err....Evin...safe, Aaron...safe, Keith...safe...executed? What?

Sorry, but thats wrong, it has to be...not in the sense I think he was the mole, but, we just lost one of our best team members...its a big blow for our team, its irony in a way, we lose two people that dont do anything for the game and then we lose Keith.
Keith, we talked very little, but I liked you, I really did. I knew how beneficial to the team you were and you were willing to talk to me (even if you should have been working :P) I am very thankful for that and the help you have given us already...

Wish you all the luck (and Im still shocked and saddened)....

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