Monday 14 May 2007

The End This will be my last post :(
This game has been great, I must say...the challenges were great along with the host and the players and....well...yeah. I am so glad I survived as long as I did, I truely thought I was gone quite a lot of the time, but, hey, I had a strategy and damn proud of it :P

8.1 was, well...predictable. The mole, well, he didnt need to do anything, I mean mine and Padraigs performance says it all, dont you think? I mean me and fred did bad as well, (and Fred and Pad did worst :P) wasnt too shocking to see no money go in the pot.
8.2 was, well....funny. The first part, well....I honestly didnt think Pad was being social, and that he wasnt participating, how niave of me, because he is the first to get it...I must admit thinking all passwords were 5 letters long was a dumb assumption we made, but, alas, the good old fashioned; guess guess guess technique works best (:P Fred and Pad know what I mean)Everytime I thought I had it I didnt, I mean, I know pigpen tables, I consider myself quite good at logic things and, well, I completly missed out the orange wasnt like one or two, it was like complete ignoral. We each sent each other on wild goose chases that last game.

To my fellow 'final three-ers' it was great playing with you, Im so glad we stuck with it, and we can have a good final quiz to finish this off....goodluck all :D

Wednesday 11 April 2007


The second that I saw the results, I came here to write this post. Its the least Evin deserves for the effort he put into this game. This kills me to say it, but I didnt beat him because I scored higher (well, obviously I did) I honestly believe he was out by miles.

This quiz was especially difficult because I believe he was on the wrong track and it killed me to know that I didnt beat him by doing better on the quiz and it being a true battle of minds and so on (thats the only way I believed Evin deserved to go, is if we really played to see who should go through). Evin just went onto the wrong track, and so yeah, I wasnt pleased that he was on the wrong track, but, it meant a pass to the final three, so in the grand scheme of is ok.

Evin, your spirit will be missed, your team-contributions will be missed, I mean we used to talk quite a bit some times, and I didnt tire of them, sometimes in ORGs its a strain to talk, but I didnt find that at all. I dont have facebook or whatever, but Im seriously considering getting one or signing up or whatever you have to do lol.

Goodluck in all you do, you will seriously be missed by everyone of the final three.

Sunday 8 April 2007

Official Confessionals # 7

Here we are guys, the final four. Most consider this round the upmost importance, the last round where information you gather is reliable lol. Let me say this first, no matter which one of us goes, I am truely grateful and proud to have played with all of you and the three of us that make it, deserve it too.

So, the first challenge, the stock exchange. Now, finally a challenge that I can do, I put money on the stock markets, weve had to do it before in school, so I knew what I was doing, and I made a 1% profit in 5 days, which doesnt sound good, but it really is. (In real terms anyways) but I know a few other people lost us some money, and to be honest, I think we balanced each other out, either gaining or losing a few cents, so a morale victory I guess...

Ah, minesweeper. Well done Fred and Pad, Fred, I can see youve playe quite a lot, and had I been on later that day, I guess I could have helped, but we both would have done the same thing, so all in all, a job well done :D. Pad, I know you helped even though you're not saying much about it, so thank you too. :)

Then...the one with him in it. You know who I mean, that silly Ryan....and the guard too (:P). Not much I can say about that other then to come clean, I did plan on assessing the situation and doing one of two things, if I could, get all the keys for myself (would explain the early stalling) but if not, I would want to be the first line of defense to try and help those with keys get to the end....(I dont honestly think I would have helped though, my luck is appaling :P) so yeah, two very opposing strategies, in the end, though, I just charged at the guard...for no given reason other then I just found him irritating :P We lost due to luck, no matter what anyone else says.

So that about rounds it up, we made $3.50, which in therory we could have made an endless amount of money on (how?? :P) was still good, better then a lot of the previous rounds! So, woot team if anything :)

Wednesday 21 March 2007

Ryan Is Gone

Ryan, now, that was unexepected. Honestly, this is the first time I am shocked at an execution, more so that you were gone and not me...Anyways, I have been delaying this post for as long as I could, because, I guess we never really saw eye to eye lol.

Ever since you had a go at me, I think way back in episode 3, I never well, really got along with you and choose to spoke to you on very few occasions. I purposely didnt give you the virus just so hopefully you could have it much later in the game (in theorey :P) and so should I make it there to, I'd have a much better shot...I think I have to apologise for holding a grudge, but mole games make things more personal then other games I guess.

It seems that a few other people suspect what I did, I wasnt there at the funhouse but from I gather and obviously they did to, you did things unnecessarily, alls well and good if you are pretending to be the mole, but why pretend to be the mole secretly? Its just a conincidence that we found out I guess.

Saying all that though. You were a brilliant player, no matter what I or anyone else say, you did play this game well, and I was glad that I got to play with you, albeit the nonexistant chats we had :P So, goodluck in other games and see you soon :D

Sunday 18 March 2007

Round #6 Confessional

This round was interesting, yes you could look at it from a money pot scenario, yes we did lose money and thats certainly not good, was interesting in the intergroup...(how do I put it)...politics. You could clearly see that people couldnt care less about coalitions they had before, how quickly they were to stab the person next to them, and although that should be saddening, it clearly shouts out for everyone to on.

So the idol challenge, certainly inventive. I am not quite sure what happened there, it seems that people did things out of order and files types couldnt match (which I dont know why, there are loads of programmes that could sort that out) anyways, a comedy of errors you could put it as. Even the final decision to just send it in as it were lost us money, you can blame everyone (yes including me, means everyone). Even the post explaining what happened was confusing, but at least we didnt lose money....(but we didnt really earn much either)

So the funhouse challenge...I would have loved to of been there, if for no other reason then to tell everyone not to open those damn boxes! That happened last time to me and I failed lol. You cant however say to someone dont be greedy. Weve already established game on...but...meh it doesnt matter people will still go for things anyways, Im wasting my time :P

Mike Is Gone

Mike. Some say this was shocking, some claim that it was inevitable, I say neither and both lmao. I didnt know Mike in the beginning, so we really started talking towards the end...and, I am sorry for that, I liked Mike, I liked his mentality of the game and how he acts in the challenges. Mike I found you civil and smart and very approachable, I do wish you could have stayed around a lot longer, good luck in future games. :D

Sunday 11 March 2007

Official Confessionals #5 exemtpion was offered, plus a mystery reward. Guess what? Fred won! Am I annoyed?No. Am I disheartened? No. If I couldnt have it, Im perfectly ok with Fred having it.

Please excuse my jibberish...:P...lets get on with this round shall we? :D

The dice game, no money could be, it was a win win situation, we could all go for an exemption without having to worry about the pot suffereing. I am glad we got it finished in the end. However, this challenge was worth so much more then an showed everyone...just who is in a coalition...and who is playing their alliance like a fiddle :P More on that later.

So the photographing game....I know Padraig really wanted to give us the most time possible, so I dont blame him for not letting us post what we could and couldnt do, because most of those items anyone could have...I am annoyed I couldnt really do more for the group, but, a baseball glove was not likely :P. I however think, for the time we were given, the planning that happened....I am thankful for Padraigs work, he did get us a lot of money this round because of it.

The chip game. To me, one of two things were going to happen, we would all puncture the hearts of each other with knives to the back...or we were going to win $3. The first happened. Now, Im not saying I wanted money out the pot, but that last challenge, along with the first one with the dice, it gave a lot of information away to those that were paying attention...especially a little transaction that appeared later on, so it was quite interesting to watch. I admit to putting Fred in the position he was given, I could have taken him out, but its something I will learn from.

People that read this who have no idea what Im talking about in terms of transactions....someone made a transaction in this game with someone else....a third person knew of this deal before it was announced.

Thursday 8 March 2007

Aaron Is Gone

Ok, Aaron, should you ever read this, I want you to know, you were an asset to the team :) Some may be posting that they knew it would be you and similar, but they have forgotten you have helped the team out and so, at least I will say thanks. Saying that though, we didnt really speak, I didnt and still dont, know you. That is sad, but I guess, in a Mole game, getting to know someone is dangerous, wayyy too dangerous.

I do wish we could have talked more, but at least we got a few conversations in. I must admit towards the end, I did start to have suspicions of you, so you were doing something right :)
I also however, wish you could have put more in, in terms of team unity and activeness, I did get the impression you were more for yourself then the team, which is right, but at least to put on a team-spirit face...I boast morale or something.

Anyways, good luck...:)

Sunday 4 March 2007

Public Confessional 4 we are again, time for another confessional. Honestly, I feel like its good to do these, it helps clarify things in my mind a bit more.

Challenge 4.1 - The Tycoon Game didnt seem like much real trading could happen, because there was little we could trade with, I know its too late to say now, but Mike you had the best position because you could bargain away the virus next round. Anyways, this game seemed like it was all going good, but, Fred...why did you cash in all you tickets? You only needed to do that for 2 if you wanted the exemption anyways. Me and Padraig had a plan to try and force as many people as we could into just getting loads of tickets, but that fell through I guess.

Challenge 4.2 - The Switcheroo
The more I think about it, the more I think, well done Andy, you just made yourself out to be the biggest idiot so far. Fred does have a point though, the worst we could have done is tied it up anyways, it was very unlikely the switcher players would turn on each other. I am not at all mad or upset at what Evin and Padraig did, because, I would have done the same thing should the positions be swapped, but the only way we could have won that challenge is if the two switchers gave themselves up.

Tuesday 27 February 2007

Keith Is Gone survived...hmm...lets click on someone elses,, What?

Sorry, but thats wrong, it has to be...not in the sense I think he was the mole, but, we just lost one of our best team members...its a big blow for our team, its irony in a way, we lose two people that dont do anything for the game and then we lose Keith.
Keith, we talked very little, but I liked you, I really did. I knew how beneficial to the team you were and you were willing to talk to me (even if you should have been working :P) I am very thankful for that and the help you have given us already...

Wish you all the luck (and Im still shocked and saddened)....

Sunday 25 February 2007

Official Confessional #3

So, a minus 1. So, a challenge with the opportunity of either a +1 or a exemption. Interesting. Certainly. I miss it....and I am annoyed, but not as much as I am after hearing I missed out on some 'action'.

I'm worried because I am missing mole activity of one third of the challenges....certainly not the best in the world. I dont get a chance of playing the mind games as much (come on admit it, we all do it :P) I really cannot comment on the challenge as such other then well done guys on getting the money, finally, we look to be on a roll :)

Secondly, the mini mole thing. A little dispute I guess we shall say. Yes I feel like we need a leader and Im practically calling out 'where oh where is Padraig, we need you!' lol. Although, it wasnt really a leader needing thing, it would have been nice to get some direction.

The third challenge with the pictures. I found was interesting...but, Im not sure what to make of it yet. Ryan, lost us money, but gained us the most, but got the exemption...who knows. I dont. However, we got 60 cents. I dont see these games as win lose. I see them as, we just got money be happy people :)

Wednesday 21 February 2007

Brentin Is Gone

Like I said, a friend of mine. I am very glad that he was given a chance to play this game, but, in honesty, I dont think he should have taken up that chance. We lost a player that wasnt there, and we as a team more then anything did suffer. I am glad people are starting to see the explantaions behind Brentins absense, but does that mean much...not really...bottom line, he wasnt here.

Anyways, I seem to have caught 'the cold'. That nasty little -1....thats a big thing. In the early rounds of the game, no-one is quite sure about the mole, so this is something not to be taken lightly. The last two who have had it, sorry to say this, but got it easy. They did, they werent going anywhere....I have to fight to stay this time :P The good news is should I survive....I cant get it again. :D

Monday 19 February 2007

Round 2 Confessional - The Added Extras

I think I have covered most of the round already, I just want to say a few things. One, Brentin is gone this round. He is not however inactive on purpose. He went away on holiday, and was planning on being fully active. Whatever your comments are about him, keep in mind what I said, he is a friend of mine, and I dont want bad mouthing of him just because you havent met him.

However, saying this...Brentin will be executed, there is nothing he can do. As long as we all submit our quizzes, he is gone. I do feel bad for him due to that, but at the same time, the game is very early, it gives us all a chance to really see who is doing what and who isnt doing what :P

And so, this sounds mean, but I am confident I will survive, we all are. This is a public confessional, lets be open. We all know that this game will get really interesting as we will all start talking to each other more and start 'playing' this game. It will be fun, Im not going to lie, I like playing the mind games. Corbin rocks...even if he did lose twice :P

Friday 16 February 2007

Round 2 Challenges

What can I say? Ive had a social week I guess. I guess people will think Im inactive now, but not if they read this :D. I am here I guess to talk about the challenges. The first one, I mean come on? My timezones? This may as well have been a live one, at least then I wouldnt have to make a pretense to be there...regardless, Im glad the rest of the team is doing well....they deserve it, theyve put in more effort. However, with the maths ones and the puzzles, this is were I think I strive best at...I like these things, if it wasnt for (and Im sorry to say this openly) these big egos, I think I would have attempted to try and lead people for this task, but, alas, too late I guess. (Plus, theres an even bigger maths nerd then me here :o :( it seems the one thing Im good at, theres someone better :P)
People dont talk to me, I know communication is a two way street. They wont if the way I act carries on. So, Im going to make an extra effort to talk, communicate and participate in the next few challenges...just to show 'hey Im here, let me be included in things' (yes....Im sad :P)

Tuesday 13 February 2007

Heidi Is Gone

Well...this seems weird, someone people think is inactive is gone...and yet I too am considered inactive. Hmmm. Anyways.

Heidi, Im sorry, but I had to fill out a massive questionaire and do two games which I think I did really bad at. I had to try really quite hard to get into this game, and I just dont think its right. I know I cant make live challenges, and yes, I was on holiday....but Im keen to play, and that I think weighs a heck of a lot more then just turning up for a few minutes.
You were known as the inactive, and you were known as the person that we could rely on to make sure we got to the final nine. Im sorry that I am being so harsh, but this is a hugely imaginative and planned out game, and Im not even the host and Im kinda mad.

Monday 12 February 2007

The Start

Well....I got back from holiday to a right old mess :P But then again, some of it was my fault. I did, in my opinion, do my best to try and get something done. Looks like I didnt do that well. Am I the mole? I could say yes or no and you wouldnt believe me :P So yeah, the first challenges, I dont blame the people that did take part at all, at least they were there and they tried. Yes I know I didnt come, but I was on holiday, not much I could do, regardless of if Im the mole or not.

This post, I guess it say, Im active....I am in this game, and it seems stupid now, but Im going to get this blog in order. A note for the mini-moles, you may have played these games before, but I know how to play just as well, and Im just as active, so how about reserving judgement till you know me?